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Zamastanian Ambassador To Attend Meeting With Xiomera, Kerlile, and Trive in Sanctaria

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As the trade dispute with Xiomera and Kerlile continues, Sanctarian Trade Secretary Julia Griffin asked Sanctarian Chancellor Charlene Hendry to accept a summoning request for the ambassadors of the dueling-nations to offer the Sanctarian concerns. The sanctions from both sides of the dispute have already caused waves in the international community, and though they haven't led to much economic turmoil in the IDU as a whole, the slight continued drop in currency value has made noticeable dents in the economies of several nations - including one of the IDU's most prominent economic powerhouses of Sanctaria. A full recession is not expected, though if the trade dispute continues much longer, experts warn that it could lead to sizable reserve shrinking for nations like Sanctaria, Laeral, and United New England.

Not committing to changing from their present course as of yet, Ambassador Larious Funnley stated that he "will listen to our Sanctarian counterpart's concerns and worries, and we will take all notices into serious consideration as the days continue and we navigate the issue further." He also called on Sanctaria's Chancellor to "condemn the human rights abuses and censorship of Xiomera, so as to continue to keep the moral high ground of true and free democratic processes."

Laeralian Finance Minister Jin Liqing commented on Wednesday night, stating: "The Ministry of Finance is closely monitoring the situation, but we have safeguards in place that will protect our economy from any long-term damage. If conditions escalate, our economy may suffer short-term reductions in projected growth, yet I am confident that we will escape the brunt of any harm caused by this conflict."

Separately, he also stated: "I call upon involved nations to carefully consider the repercussions of their actions on fragile economies worldwide, and instead make the choice to move to the negotiating table to resolve their disputes."

The meeting will be held at Sanctaria's Business, Industry & Trade Department offices on Thursday morning.

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