Eight months ago, the Zamastanian foreign aid worker Maurin Jarvis was killed in a mortar strike in Lauchenoiria during the deadly civil war that ravaged the country and brought nations across the IDU into violent conflict. While the government of Zamastan remained neutral following the coup, citizens living in Lauchenoiria were initially given the option to stay or leave. However, as soon as the fighting began to escalate, Zamastan declared all non-essential personnel to evacuate the country.
Maurin Jarvis, father of 4 and husband to Grace, decided to remain in the country. He was accredited with saving refugees and delivering food and supplies to people who were unable to flee conflict zones. He was killed on July 18th, 2018. His body was buried by rebels in a grave marked with a white, blue, and red cross indicating his nationality, and President Castovia demanded that his body be returned to Zamastan. Eight months later, with the war over and Sanctarian peacekeepers occupying former conflict zones, a Zamastanian delegation exhumed and retrieved his body and returned him to his hometown of Providence.