The Senator from the Northern Isle has declared his intention to run for President of Zamastan, making him the first person to make an announcement for the 2020 election cycle. He is unusually early, as many have pointed out, as the traditional announcement time is around January-February of the election year. Euan Gunn is a well-known senator, famous for his role as a Church of Zian pastor for three decades before his political career began in 2004. A member of the Green Liberal Party, he is notably pro-same-sex marriage, pro-gun control, and pro-defense budget cuts, while controversially being conservative on abortion and reproductive rights, which he self-attributes to his religious views.
Gunn's announcement is expected to give him a slight boost in the primaries, which are still well over a year away. He has a significant advantage over many possible contenders to Anya Bishop, who has indicated her idea to run for a renewal term in 2020. Gunn is a veteran senator and a well-liked figure across Zamastan. His sermons in the 1980's and 90's brought hundreds of thousands of television audience members during the wake of wars in Vulkaria and Pahlan insurgencies, and President Cassious Castovia cited him as "one of the best liberal pastors in the history of liberal pastors". His tone towards minority groups may also be an indicator of a strong performance early on, as the combination of black voters (who may like to see the first black president in 200 years (since Tomias Hapson) take the oath of office), the LGBT voters, and Christian voters is promising to deliver and interesting look at the first candidate for the President of Zamastan.