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Updated: Aug 7, 2019

The Liaville Times confirmed at 4:17 AM that, "with all votes now counted, the island of Aeluria has rejected independence by 56% to 44%." Zamastanian moderators watching the referendum take place spoke to the Tofino Times to indicate their surprise at the margin of the election. "We had expected it to be much close than what we saw, but the people of Aeluria have spoken. The Federation of Lauchenoiria will remain in tact with this province continuing to be under its wing."

The result became clear early in the morning, when votes for No took a sudden and decisive lead. According to polling, turnout for the referendum was historically high at around 87% of the eligible voting population casting a ballot.

The result definitively closes one chapter of the Lauchenoirian Civil War. Group Special Envoy for the Lauchenoirian Conflict, and de facto Guarantor of the Haven Accords, former Sanctarian Deputy Prime Minister Robert Smyth, today welcomed the result saying that “self-determination is the cornerstone of a free and peaceful civilisation. The Aelurian people today made the decision to remain Lauchenoirian, and we will respect and uphold that decision”. He also confirmed, when validating the results, there was no foul play or interference suspected. There were initial fears from many IDU nations that Kerlile would attempt to interfere with the election via hacking or voter displacement, though these worries were quelled by the Sanctarian and Zamastanian intelligence services. President Bishop of Zamastan also threatened retaliation against Kerlile if any indication of interference was found.

Here is an exerpt from the Liaville Times;

"First Minister Nazario Macías began the night optimistically, stating that this was a “historic moment” for the island, but as the night went on, it became clear he wouldn’t get the result he wanted. Ally Wallis, leader of the No campaign issued a statement at around 4am:

'I am thrilled to see that the people of Aeluria have decisively rejected independence in favour of further devolution. This is the right result for the people of Aeluria, and I am glad that we will remain part of Lauchenoiria. Now we can work together to build a better future.' "

President Anya Bishop had come forward in support of Aelurian independence a few weeks prior to the election, stating; "Zamastan firmly stands in support of the individual rights of people everywhere and the ability to choose what is best for one's people. Lauchenoiria is a friend of ours, and we appreciate the relationship our two nations have from many aspects including trade, diplomacy, and in many other views. With that said, however, I do give my full backing behind the Aelurian's and their quest for independence. We see many opportunities to develop an even stronger partnership with both the government of Aeluria as well as the government Lauchenoiria should the referendum pass, and we also see ourselves in a position to assist them in their strides to be a unique and separate culture. Economically, an independent Aeluria could open up more trade possibility with Zamastan, and diversify the region in terms of trade. So, to answer your question, yes. We support Aeluria in their goal of independence. We will accept the results of the referendum regardless of what they are, but we definitely have a more economic preference when it comes to the actual vote in just over a week. I will be in contact with leaders from both sides of the issue in the coming days and I will, of course, be having productive conversation with many world leaders on this topic as well as others."

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